
Showing posts from May, 2020

Teen pregnancy

Nowadays" Teen pregnancy" is major serious issue . So  first let we  see what is  teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy  refers to female adolescents becoming pregnant between the age of 13-19. It is common and serious issue in today's time . It mostly occurs  due to lack of education and knowledge. Another reason is insufficiency of communication between children's and parents . The problem starts when teens get in depression and anxiety due to their unwanted pregnancy as a result many of them committed suicide because they thought this is best way to get rid of this  problem. But suicide is not the solution for every problem. All we need is to talk to our  parents or someone whom we  can trust.           I know many times you will feel guilty for what you had did ,you feel yourself a big culprit  but if you accepting your mistakes  then you don't need to  feel guilty because atleast you are accepting you...

Is making boyfriend or girlfriend is wrong!!?

The word boyfriend/girlfriend is very  offensive to our parents , especially in our indian culture. It's look little bit funny!! Although their perception on  this view is right due to some reasons but not all the time. Being teenage our imagination fantasies on peak  , during this age youngster are not  able to configure what is reality and what is unnecessary illusions. As a result mostly teenagers come in relationship without even  considering  its  consequences, like  is this right age for them to be in relationships  ? Is it really a love or just lust, attractions? In my opinion being in relationship is not wrong or  offensive  but  being with wrong person and at wrong time is. Teen-age is very sensitive age , we need to very careful about it because at this age we are not prepared for heartbreaks ,fights (relationship issues). We often see  Many Teenagers that are just wasting their time in  immature rela...

Teenage Journey

Teenage journey is the phase in  which we all have to  go through some various changes in our body like changing in our physical appearance, thoughts, mental behaviour , hormonal changes and many more. It seems like it is very easy phase of life but that's not the truth ,it is full of ups and downs. This is the age in which the parental control and guidance is must for teenagers.  Because  this is the phase in which you can deprive  yourself or built yourself... The choice is yours. Coming to the point that why all the  parents should guide and talk to their children's , Because during the puberty Teenagers begin to start their sexual fantasies due to obvious reasons "harmonal changes". so at this point parents need to talk to them like a Frank friend and they should give them" sex education ", they should tell them in a peaceful manner that what is right and what is wrong . Teen-age is full of exposure ,we come to know more about our body , thinkin...