Hookah culture - creep way to flaunting coolness

Hey there How have you been ? Hope you all are doing well :-) So let's dive in to this trending topic " HOOKAH CULTURE " among teens. Nowadays smoking has become a sign of 'class' ; And this is something which is creating fatal results in the lives of people but now its craze is escalating among youths and teens in the form of "Hookah". Many of you definitely aware about this term but for those who don't know too much about this, Let me explain. _Hookah_ is a pipe of smoking tobacco. It is similar to cigarettes although its way of smoking is different. Hookah smoking deliver the addictive drug nicotine and it is toxic as cigarette smoking. Now i would like to drag your attention towards the main reason which is working as to drag force for all these issues. Here I'm talking about the so called " showoff and coolness " behind this shitty act. I know it's sounds weird but many people think esp...