Masturbation - A Dangerous Pleasure

Hey everyone... After so long I'm here with this intersting but a sensitive issue "MASTURBATION". I know many of you will definitely gonna feel awkward because rarely people open up on this topic and hesitate to express their views. But in this blog I will try to explain all myths , consequences etc.. Firstly let us know what is this term "MASTURBATION" . Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm ,The ways can be different to arouse oneself. Many of you have definitely experience it. But have you felt guilty after doing this!!? Mostly will answer it 'YES' . So here the question arises is , Is doing masturbation is a kind of sin ? , Is it good or bad ?, Is it harmful for health ?... And so many doubts regarding this. In my opinion if I honestly say I am standing against this . Because this addiction can totally ruine anyone from professional...